Margarida Barroso
Albany Medical Center, USA
Margarida Barroso is an Associate Professor at the Center for Cardiovascular Sciences, Albany Medical College in Albany, NY. She received her PhD, in Genetics from the University of Lisbon/Gulbenkian Institute of Sciences in Portugal and was a Post-doctoral fellow at the Department of Molecular Biology, Princeton University. She is in a faculty instructor in several international imaging courses and has two issued patents on FRET imaging technology. She belongs to the following scientific societies: American Society of Cell Biology (ASCB), Biophysical Society, Histochemical Society, and Sigma Xi. Since 2008, she is a member of the governing Council of the Histochemical Society. She has published more than 25 papers in reputed journals and acts as a reviewer for several internationally recognized journals.
Abstract : Imaging targeted delivery using FRET