Teimuraz Lezhava
Head of the Department of Genetics, Director of Institute of Genetics, Tbilisi State University,Georgia
Professor T. Lezhava's scientific works are generally dedicated to the problem genetics of aging. He has discovered that the progressive heterochromatinization occurs in aging. Professor T. Lezhava is delivering lectures in Genetics, Human Genetics with the Fundamentals of Molecular Genetics, Medicine Genetics and Evolution of Genome. Professor T. Lezhava is a member of editorial board of Journals:“Georgian medical News”; “Gerontology and Geriatric Research“ (NJ, USA); Jacobs Journal of Gerontology (Texas, USA); Edition “Inter ging” and Journal of Deutscher Wissenschaftsherold” (Germany); Journal of “Biomedicina»(Russia). Professor T. Lezhava is a member of the International Association and USA of Biomedical Gerontology, President of Georgian Gerontology Association,
Head of Georgian Human Genetic Association and member of several local and foreign Scientific Academies.
Abstract : Epigenetic change of genome by peptide bioregulators in extreme old age